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Sign up for the webinar!

Date: 8.18.16       Time: 12:15 PM CST

Author/Speaker - Todd Brown

Is ministry growth stretching your resources? Are you struggling to adapt to the changes in your ministry? Do you find yourself unsure of what your next step towards growth should be?  If so, this seminar is for you!  All churches are unique, but the key factors necessary to position for ministry growth are universal.  During this seminar, Todd Brown, will examine common areas of struggle like leadership, vision, unity, finances and much more.  He'll teach you how to "navigate" the "icebergs"  which can keep ministries from becoming extraordinary and reaching their God-given potential.   Through this seminar, you’ll discover how to gather quality information, uncover truth, and develop a path to fulfilling your ministry vision.  In addition, you’ll learn valuable lessons from case studies and how "seeing below the surface" can help position your ministry for growth.  Sign up today for this challenging and thought-provoking seminar!

Church Consulting 

for Church Growth Positioning

Our church consulting member, Fishnet Solutions, is passionate about church growth and health. Through in depth ministry studies, leadership workshops, coaching, and webinars, they help churches discover the barriers limiting their church growth and health. The information and strategic actions discovered by Fishnet Solutions allow ministry to drive the church designs of our architecturual partners.  Our church consulting partner can provide a Growth Positioning Study (GPS) useful in understanding current and future ministry needs to help you position for church growth.

Ministry Focused Church Design

A seasoned church architect can provide critical insights during the church design process. Our church designs are created by a network of church architects who are active in ministry, understand different worship styles and work seamlessly with our church construction partner. We know that church projects have the potential to negatively impact unity and have intentially integrated multiple companies to reduce the headaches associated with church building. We understand that church budgets are tight and hitting the target during the church design process is critical.  

Illustrating and Funding the Church Vision

Church finance is a vital component of church health. Healthy churches seek to develop the ability to effectively teach and practice Biblical stewardship of church funds. There are almost always more ministry opportunities than money available, and how a church positions itself financially can enhance or significantly limit ministry.  When you church vision requires a capital campaign or financing, our members can help with 3D animations, 3D renderings, and financal coaching.

With over 50 years of construction experience our member, Brown Construction has built church buildings of all sizes across the country. Brown Construction places an emphasis on quality and integrity.  They utilize an Integrated Project Delivery System to collaborate with all members of the Brown Church Development Group in every church building project. This seemless integration makes the church design and church construction experience simple and cost-effective.

Construction of the Church Building

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